K9 SEARCH Medical Detection offers Assistance Dogs, Facility Dogs and Skilled Companions

At K9 SEARCH Medical Detection our aim is to provide dogs to as many people as we can. Our dogs work to alleviate a persons isolation, give them some independence and improve their over all wellbeing. Please make contact if you, or someone you know, would benefit from a Disability Assistance dog, Facility dog or Skilled companion dog.

Our Goal

Here at K9 SEARCH Medical Detection (K9SMD) disabilities do not define us, our goal is to enable independence for everyone in need. We are dedicated to…more

The cost to select, raise and train these dogs is often out of reach for those that need them. We rely on fundraising and donations to help our cause. If you are able to make a monetary donation, please click the “Donate” button.

If you can help in any other way, please get in touch or visit us on facebook.


Training Centre “fly-through”

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We are proud to provide a 3D virtual walk through of our coming training centre. We are ready to go. Please click on and view.If you would like to be…

From our Blog…