Thank you for donating to K9 SEARCH Medical Detection. Please use this form to set the amount and select whether you wish to pay by credit card or "Bank Transfer".
We will e-mail you a receipt when the funds arrive.
In order to make a donation, we ask that you please follow these instructions:
1. Make a bank transfer to "K9SEARCH M D", Account Number: 03-0626-0030631-000.
2. Please include your name as a reference so that we can identify the payment.
All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.
We are only able to do the work we do by relying on your generous sponsorship. Please use this form to enter your details and provide the required information. When prompted, please select whether you wish to pay by credit card or "Bank Transfer".
We are seeking sponsorship from both individuals and from businesses. The benefits (and costs) are different and listed in full on our "Support Us" page.
IMPORTANT: Please choose which is the most appropriate type of sponsorship for you.
You are invited to share your website address and upload your logo. We will display your logo on our "Sponsors' page" and link to your website.
Your membership entitles you to receive an electronic copy of our newsletter at intervals decided by us. We require your consent to send this to you. Please indicate below that you wish to receive the newsletter.
In order to pay by bank transfer, we ask that you please follow these instructions:
The annual subscription will be charged each year to the credit card you set up.
All sponsorship will be gratefully acknowledged and is tax deductible.